Wonderful flutists!
Member Recital
January 22nd, 2012
3:00 PM Blackerby Violin Shop
1111 W. Anderson Lane Austin, TX 78757
We have recently updated our Flute Instructor page. Don't see your name? Make sure you have paid your dues for the current year. Let us know if any corrections need to be made: austinflutelcub@gmail.com
By the end of the week, we will have several other updates on the website including the 2012 Young Artist Competition application and rules. Check the website throughout the week to get the most up to date information!
Finally, the next issue of our Newsletter will go out at the beginning of January. Do you have an article that you've been itching to write, or is there something that you think should be included?
Email your ideas to Bryan Kennard at kennard.be@gmail.com.
Submissions for the next newsletter are due Wednesday, January 4, 2012.