Friday, January 29, 2010

Saturday, January 30th French Music Master Class & Student Recital

Francois Minaux will lead a master class and recital with pianist Colette Valentine focusing on the French repertoire. Works by Faure, Godard, Jolivet, Perilhou and Poulenc will be performed. Attendance is free for Austin Flute Club members. (We will have membership applications at the door.) A reception will follow.

A student recital will begin early afternoon. There will be thirteen middle and high school students presenting a wide variety of the flute literature.

Come join us for a day filled with wonderful music!

Saturday, January 30th
St. John's UMC of Austin
2140 Allandale Road
10:00-12:00pm French Music Master Class
12:00-12:30pm Minaux & Valentine in Recital
1:30pm on Student Recital