Calling ALL Austin Flutists:
Your presence is requested at the Austin Flute Club 2011-2012 Season Kickoff Meeting! Join to be part of the AFC CREATIVE COMMUNITY. Bring a buddy. All ages welcome.
What: Your time to meet, greet, collaborate, create, and serve our community with fellow flutists. We'll be holding elections for our organization, finalizing our calendar, rolling out a masterclass series (teachers, you don't want to miss this!), and more. This is your golden opportunity to GET INVOLVED.
When: Mark your calendars for the 3rd Sunday of each month at 3pm. August meeting to be held August 21, 2011 at 3pm.
Where: Location each month will rotate between homes of hosts/hostesses. François Minaux has graciously offered space for our first CREATIVE COMMUNITY meeting at the following location:
4600 Mueller Blvd.
Austin, TX 78723
Park: Street
Enter the complex through the lobby. Go past the leasing office and take a right down the hallway. Head to the conference room located in the Business Center (first door on your left). Feel free to bring your laptops as there are computers, a printer/copier and internet access.
Would you like to host? Great! We'll select the location for the September AFC CREATIVE COMMUNITY on August 21.
See you then,
Katie Kuersteiner LaRue
AFC Interim President 2011